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Where women get the scoop on your business


90% of women trust friends’ recommendations.

The internet.

81% of women go to the internet for information.

69% say the internet gives them ideas for new brands / products to  try.

What device they’ll use.

74% will be on their laptops.

67% will be on their smart phones.

57% are on that trusty PC.

Will they share your info?

Probably not. Funny things and personal photos make up well over half of what women share. Product and service recommendations only 24%.

What social media do women use?

Thinking of advertising? We’re doing some Facebook advertising for other clients.

Popular sites women visit once a week:

Facebook 83%
YouTube 58%
Pinterest 41%
Twitter 33%
Linkedin 22%

But, any woman on any social media will check your website before doing business with you. We give you both a woman’s and a man’s point of view. Better yet, we give you a marketing point of view.

Maggie 609-924-1083
Sources: Meredith, Infographics