Archive for November, 2013


Email, an oldie, but a goody.

Email’s not a SEO darling, but it still gets results. An amazing 92% of email readers click through to retailers’ websites with some frequency. 15% say they always click through. Of course, retailers can and should offer discounts on their subject lines to encourage readership and click-throughs.

But you non-retailers’ emails can also encourage click-throughs with brief, to-the-point, and easy to read emails, according to a Direct Marketing News webinar.

The retail-survey firm points out that email’s big advantage is you reach the people you want. They look at your messages at their convenience. Which could be just after their smart phone alarm wakes them — 72% of people read emails in bed. So your email could energize them for their day.


P.S. Need help with email? We can match you with the right person/firm. And if your website needs sprucing up for visitors, contact us. We do that very nicely.